Out now: WeePie Cookie Allow version 3.0.3: More new options
Published: 21-05-2017updated: 21-05-2017

Version 3.0.3 = More easy to configure your way of cookie consent with more options
We recently launched our improved and simplified version (3.0.3) of the WeePie Cookie Allow Plugin!
What’s new in version 3.0.3?
- Block all i-frames (optional)
- Box shadows for bar and box (optional)
- Close the bar and box with a (x) cross (optional)
- Set a minimal amount of pixels before scrolling gives consent (optional)
- Some improvements to make it easier to configure your way of cookie consent. We optimized the configuration flow more a.o. by hiding unnecessary options for the choosen options.
With this version you can still:
- completely comply with any cookie law
- choose your way of cookie consent
- customize your style (e.g. cookie bar/box, sizes, colors)
Buy the easy and complete cookie solution for WordPress now!
Our newest version is exclusively for sale at CodeCanyon for $ 20 (6 months support in English and Dutch included)!