Comply Facebook cookies with the EU cookie law on a WordPress website

Published: 27-06-2016updated: 27-06-2016

Illustration of blocking Facebook cookies

The WeePie Cookie Allow Plugin for WordPress makes it possible to block Facebook cookies atomatically before the consent of the website visitor in order to comply with the EU cookie law. After consent all cookies will be placed automatically. Read more about  Facebook cookies and how to comply them with the (EU) cookie law below.

What are Facebook cookies?

When you use Facebook-services on your website (e.g. the like button and advertisement tools), Facebook can store cookies with different kind of personal data i.a. in order to optimize, measure and track the behavior of an user.

The most common domains and cookie names placed by Facebook and Facebook affiliated companies are from the domains:


Consent needed for placing Facebook cookies?

Yes! Facebook and Facebook affiliated cookies are 3th party cookies, which, according to the cookie law of the most European countries, basically means you have to inform and obtain permission of the website visitor to place these cookies.

How to comply Facebook cookies within the EU cookie law?

With our WeePie Cookie Allow Plugin you can comply Facebook (affiliated) cookies with the EU cookie law. Within our plugin there are multiple ways to configure in order to handle the Facebook (affiliated) cookies the right way according the cookie law. The easiest way is to use our fully automatic blocking funtionality.

More about WeePie Cookie Allow

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